
Welcome to the official discord-html-transcripts documentation and guide.

Discord HTML Transcripts is a node.js module to generate nice-looking HTML transcripts. Processes discord markdown like bold, italics, strikethroughs, and more. Nicely formats attachments and embeds to match the look and feel of Discord. Includes built-in XSS protection, preventing users from inserting arbitrary HTML tags.


Join the Discord Server and create a new forum post if you need help. You can also follow the announcement channel to get updates whenever a new version is released.

If you find a bug, please create a post on GitHub.

Getting Started

To get started with discord-html-transcripts install the module and ensure you are running discord.js^14

npm install --save discord-html-transcripts


The code to this module can be found on GitHub:

The markdown files to this documentation can also be found there.

Last updated