
If you want to provide your own messages for finer control of what discord-html-transcripts will save, use this function.


const discordTranscripts = require("discord-html-transcripts");
const { Collection } = require("discord.js");


const messages = new Collection();
const channel  = /* somehow get this */;

// somehow fill the messages collection

const transcript = await discordTranscripts.generateFromMessages(
    messages, // the content in the transcript
    channel, // used for transcript title, etc
    { /* options */ }

// By default returns an AttachmentBuilder that can be sent in a channel.
    files: [attachment]


generateFromMessages(messages, channel, (options = {}));

messages: Message[] | Collection<string, Message>

These are the messages that will be used in the body of the transcript. Can either be an array of discord.js Message objects or a Collection of Messages.

channel: TextBasedChannel

Defined in discord.js as TextChannel | NewsChannel | ThreadChannel | VoiceChannel ``This is channel is used to grab information about the transcript, like guild name and icon, channel name, etc.

options: GenerateFromMessagesOptions

An object with the discord-html-transcripts configuration options.

TLDR: quick summary of everything below.
const attachment = await discordTranscripts.createTranscript(channel, {
    returnType: 'attachment', // Valid options: 'buffer' | 'string' | 'attachment' Default: 'attachment' OR use the enum ExportReturnType
    filename: 'transcript.html', // Only valid with returnType is 'attachment'. Name of attachment.
    saveImages: false, // Download all images and include the image data in the HTML (allows viewing the image even after it has been deleted) (! WILL INCREASE FILE SIZE !)
    footerText: "Exported {number} message{s}", // Change text at footer, don't forget to put {number} to show how much messages got exported, and {s} for plural
    callbacks: {
      // register custom callbacks for the following:
      resolveChannel: (channelId: string) => Awaitable<Channel | null>,
      resolveUser: (userId: string) => Awaitable<User | null>,
      resolveRole: (roleId: string) => Awaitable<Role | null>
    poweredBy: true // Whether to include the "Powered by discord-html-transcripts" footer

options.returnType: 'buffer' | 'string' | 'attachment'

It's recommended to use the ExportReturnType enum instead of passing in a string. This option determines what this function will return.

  • buffer: the HTML data as a buffer.

  • string: the HTML data as a string.

  • attachment: the HTML data as an AttachmentBuilder

The default value is attachment

options.filename: string

The name of the output file when the return type is attachment

The default value is transcript-{channel id}.html

options.saveImages: boolean

Enabling this option will make Discord HTML Transcripts download all image attachments. This is useful in use cases where the channel will be deleted which will wipe all images off of Discord's CDN, which will break images that aren't downloaded.

If you are uploading the transcript to discord, enabling this option may cause issues. Your bot may hit the upload filesize limit since images take up a lot of space!

The default value is false

options.footerText: string

The text that will be used in the footer of the transcript. You can use the following placeholders:

  • {number}: the total number of messages exported. Useful when you are using createTranscript(...)

  • {s}: Adds an s if the number is >0, otherwise it is replaced with nothing

The default value is Exported {number} message{s}

options.poweredBy: boolean

Disabling this will remove the Powered by discord-html-transcripts in the footer.

The default value is true

options.callbacks.resolveChannel: (channelId: string) => Awaitable<Channel | null>

A custom function that will be used by the module whenever it needs to resolve a channel (for example, if someone mentions a channel)

The default option uses channel.client.channels.fetch(...) function.

options.callbacks.resolveUser: (userId: string) => Awaitable<User | null>

A custom function that will be used by the module whenever it needs to resolve a user (for example, if a user is mentioned)

The default option uses channel.client.users.fetch(...)

options.callbacks.resolveRole: (roleId: string) => Awaitable<Role | null>

A custom function that will be used by the module whenever it needs to resolve a role (for example, if a role is mentioned)

The default option uses channel.guild?.roles.fetch(...)

Last updated