
Will fetch (by default, all) the messages from the provided channel and can return either a Buffer, string, or AttachmentBuilder


const discordTranscripts = require("discord-html-transcripts");


// Notice the async here    ⤵️
client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
    if (message.content === "!transcript") {
        // Use the following to fetch the transcript.
        const transcript = await discordTranscripts.createTranscript(
                // options go here
                // for example
                saveImages: true,
                footerText: "Saved {number} message{s}"

        // and by default, createTranscript will return an AttachmentBuilder
        // which you can directly send to discord.js
            content: "Here's your transcript!",
            files: [transcript]


createTranscript(channel, (options = {}));

channel: TextBasedChannel

Defined in discord.js as TextChannel | NewsChannel | ThreadChannel | VoiceChannel ``This is the channel Discord HTML Transcripts will fetch messages from.

options: CreateTranscriptOptions

The same options as generateFromMessages but adds the limit option which lets you limit set the number of messages to fetch.

options.limit: number

The number of messages to fetch.

options.filter: (message: Message<boolean>) => boolean

A function that will be called for each message to determine if it should be included in the transcript. If false, the message will not be included.

Last updated